18 comments on “’90s Nostalgia Fright Fest Read-Along

  1. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Count me in!! RL Stine is one of the reasons I love reading and read so much as a kid. I have a stack of his books on my shelf at home, I couldn’t get enough of his books back then. I just got this new book off Netgalley last week and I’m excited to read it. Even more so now that there’s a read along to go with it!

    This totally just made my day.

    • Yay! I’m glad someone else is as excited as I am! I actually just got a rejection email for the new book a couple days ago… after having requested it in frickin’ May! But oh well, I’ll just have to wait until it’s released. I thought it made a great way to kick off the fright fest.

    • I’m so excited! I had so much fun with my BSC and Nancy Drew reads during the April read-a-thon, and was thinking of getting some Fear Street for the October one anyway… and then the idea for this kind of snowballed. I’m psyched!

  2. Ohhh the Fear Street books. I’m pretty sure those would scare me more now than they did back then, but I just might have to give it a try. I think Silent Night was one of the more creepier ones I remember.

    • My favorites were the Fear Street Saga trilogy. I don’t remember details, but I know it was about a feud between two families from colonial times through the centuries, and how Fear Street ended up being cursed.

  3. I haven’t made up a post about it but I signed up because otherwise I will forget to! I might only read one book, but I am definitely participating! I don’t remember reading these as a kid, probably because I’ve always been easily scared. I remember watching the Goosebumps TV show once and switching it off because of a skeleton jumping out.

    • I’m not big on being scared in real life (I hate haunted houses) or by TV or movies… but for some reason in books it’s okay. I hope you have fun with it!

    • My library doesn’t have a huge collection of them, and they don’t have any of the ones I remember being favorites. I may have to track down a few some other way. But I’m super excited to read them again!

  4. So glad to learn about this. I’d love to join in since I planned on blogging lots of books in the horror and paranormal genres this month. I have to get through my Zombie Fest Countdown to the premiere of The Walking Dead first, After that I’ll link up and join you all! Happy reading :)

    • I loved these before I really thought about books in terms of genre. Amusingly, I grew up to hate horror in movies (I can’t even handle a lot of suspense) but still love it in books. Thanks for joining in!

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