19 comments on “Anticipation: Fall Releases

  1. Alison Weir’s “Elizabeth of York”. Sadly I will have to wait until December.

  2. Yes, I am so waiting to read Doctor Sleep. I should probably get someone to help me carry it home, too. My favorite so far, though, is The Stand.

    • The Stand is another one that I should read again. I thought it was good but not as amazing as some people find it, but it was also only my second King novel and I was sort of overwhelmed by the scope of it. I think I’d get a lot more out of a re-read.

  3. I’m so excited for Doctor Sleep, that’s probably not a surprise though. I’m also quite looking forward to Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk.

    • My favorite thriller author usually releases his books in my birthday month every year, which is nice. I’ve actually yet to read any Margaret Atwood (I know, I know).

      • That’s pretty cool, really.

        Lots of people haven’t read Atwood. It’s okay. (It’s really not, but I like you so I’m cutting you some slack. HAHAHA!)

    • I don’t have much of a problem reading scary books, thankfully… because I find them interesting and imaginative, but I HATE being scared! I refuse to watch horror, but the more I read it, the more I like it. And yes, always great when the next book in a favorite series comes out!

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